Welcome to Business Store.
The simple, secure and convenient way to order your needs by mouse click from our Business Store -
this service is provided exclusively for our system customers.
Liebe Business Store Kunden,
der Direktzugriff steht Ihnen nicht länger zur Verfügung. Bitte bestellen Sie die benötigten Geschäftsdrucksachen über AHOI. Dieser vermeintliche Umweg dient der Verschlankung und Automatisierung der nachgelagerten administrativen Prozesse.
Ihr HHLA-Einkauf
Dear Business Store customers,
direct access is no longer available. Please order the required business stationery via AHOI. This supposed detour serves to streamline and automate downstream administrative processes.
Your HHLA purchasing department
You are not yet a system customer and would like to find out more about the
range of services in our Business Store? Then visit our Business Store info pages.
We already could identify a user with your given data.
You can claim an activation-link to change your password.